The unquestionable contribution of Law 215 to the successful agribusiness of Roraima!


Law 215 of September 11, 1998 granted tax exemptions of state competence until the year 2050 in favor of producers linked to cooperatives, agricultural associations and other participants in the Integrated Project for Agricultural and Agribusiness Exploration of the State of Roraima.

The state public diploma found an undeniable constitutional protection against the fundamental objectives of the republic applicable under the essential guarantee of national development and the reduction of regional inequalities based on the 1988 constitution and, at the same time, ensured within the scope of the indispensable policy of incentive to the productive activities noted in the 1991 state constitution.

Still, the commented legal-tax regime was constitutionally accepted by the ICMS Conventions 38/98, 153/10, 35/15 and 55/16 among others.

Historical records reveal that Law 215 was necessary from an examined and defined absence of economic attractions that were sufficient to incorporate experienced investors loaded with essential technological capital necessary for the expansion of regional agribusiness.

Despite a turbulent start, rural producers achieved their objectives gradually, whether through fiscal, credit, technological or infrastructure support, the results of which have been timid and silent over the past twenty (20) years.

It is undeniable that Soy as a commodity leveraged Roraima’s exports and influenced the opening of new agricultural and livestock products.

Although local exports represent just under 0.07% compared to the ranking of national exporters, the records kept by the Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services show an impressive increase of at least 1,700% (one thousand and seven hundred percent) of the balance measured between 2005 and 2019.

However, the extraordinary phenomenon fundamentally driven by the soybean trading in the international market captured, together with other products, the extraordinary revenue valued at approximately US $ 9 million for the calendar year 2005, a whopping US $ 16 million in 2007 and a staggering $ 156 million in 2019.

It should be stressed that the results contributed to the reduction of the much contested paycheck economy that subjects the Roraima domestic market to depend on the constitutional transfers of public money collected, mostly by the Union.The successful agribusiness in Roraima included an appreciation of the price of rural land by at least 3,000% (three thousand percent) and a nominal increase in the collection of ICMS in the amount of at least 1,173.49% (one thousand one hundred and seventy-three integers) forty-nine hundredths percent) and the Motor Vehicle Property Tax (IPVA) expressive 2,175.78% (two thousand one hundred and seventy-five integers and seventy-eight hundredths percent), both computed between the period of 1998 to 2018. Finally, the 2010 IBGE Census verified a marked migration of natural persons from other states towards the state of Roraima between the years 2000 and 2010, whose population growth of 2.09% almost doubled the national rate of just 1.17% at the time.


Picture of Shiská Palamitshchece Pereira Pires

Shiská Palamitshchece Pereira Pires

Advogado tributarista e aduaneiro (desde 2013), Despachante Aduaneiro (desde 1994), Administrador de Empresas (desde 2007), Professor de Ensino Superior (2007 a 2015), Mestre em Administração pela FURB - Universidade Regional de Blumenau (2012), Ex-Secretário de Estado da Fazenda de Roraima (2015/2016) e Ex-secretário adjunto de Estado da Casa Civil (2017) e da Educação de Roraima (2018).

Picture of Shiská Palamitshchece Pereira Pires

Shiská Palamitshchece Pereira Pires

Advogado tributarista e aduaneiro (desde 2013), Despachante Aduaneiro (desde 1994), Administrador de Empresas (desde 2007), Professor de Ensino Superior (2007 a 2015), Mestre em Administração pela FURB - Universidade Regional de Blumenau (2012), Ex-Secretário de Estado da Fazenda de Roraima (2015/2016) e Ex-secretário adjunto de Estado da Casa Civil (2017) e da Educação de Roraima (2018).


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