Roraima: exports increase 6,200% in the last three decades!

blog 2

Foreign trade operations necessarily include business, logistical, foreign exchange, tax and administrative-fiscal aspects.

The customs regulation that provides for the administration regarding inspection, control, taxation and other customs activities before the national territory regulates that all goods destined abroad, including re-exported, will always be subject to an essential export order, normal or simplified.

In short, goods and merchandise subject to export customs clearance are generally exempt from federal and state taxes, such as the Tax on Industrialized Products (IPI), Tax on Financial Operations (IOF) and PIS Contributions / PASEP and COFINS, in addition to the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS) under the terms of the 1988 Federal Constitution and other infraconstitutional rules.

Also, the Central Bank of Brazil (BANCEN) has since 2006 eased its imperative behavior before its ancestors and strict exchange controls applied since 1933.

However, although exports from Roraima currently represent just under 0.07% and rose from 27th and last place to 24th in the ranking of national exports carried out by the twenty-six (26) States and the Federal District, it is interesting to observe the performance achieved by local entrepreneurs in the last three (3) decades, a circumstance confessed by the offered records kept by the Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services.

The statistics reveal a shocking increase of at least 6,200% (six thousand and two hundred percent) of the commercial operations negotiated with the international market, especially between the years 1998 and 2019. Before the declared statistic, it is noticed that the wood sector led the Roraima export basket between the 1990s and the initial part of the following, whose operations in all business segments at the time moved variable amounts recorded annually between US $ 2 and 5 million United States dollars.

Therefore, the state’s policy of attracting investments with an emphasis on the expansion of agribusiness in the Roraima region, which started in 2000, yielded positive results favorable to the trade balance, so that soybean production followed by other agricultural products led to the achievement of an excellent US $ 9 million. US dollars for the calendar year 2005 and an incredible US $ 16 million in 2006 and again in 2007.

However, Roraima’s foreign trade recently exhibited an impressive, massive and growing export phenomenon that registered an extraordinary US $ 147 million in 2018 and US $ 156 million in 2019 due to the commercialization of regional Soy and Rice production and other food products purchased in other federal units, essentially based on the special tax regime attributed to the free trade area of ​​Boa Vista, soon stored and resold abroad, mainly destined for Venezuela.

However, it is known that the maintenance of the formidable numbers contracted in recent years by the Roraima trade balance will surely depend on an undesirable, delicate and chaotic maintenance of the Venezuelan socioeconomic scenario.

In view of the above, it is undeniable that the agricultural and livestock production of Roraima, alone, produced admirable results that significantly contribute to the economic development of the region, even though the surreal and commented trade phenomenon with Venezuela is computed.


Picture of Shiská Palamitshchece Pereira Pires

Shiská Palamitshchece Pereira Pires

Advogado tributarista e aduaneiro (desde 2013), Despachante Aduaneiro (desde 1994), Administrador de Empresas (desde 2007), Professor de Ensino Superior (2007 a 2015), Mestre em Administração pela FURB - Universidade Regional de Blumenau (2012), Ex-Secretário de Estado da Fazenda de Roraima (2015/2016) e Ex-secretário adjunto de Estado da Casa Civil (2017) e da Educação de Roraima (2018).

Picture of Shiská Palamitshchece Pereira Pires

Shiská Palamitshchece Pereira Pires

Advogado tributarista e aduaneiro (desde 2013), Despachante Aduaneiro (desde 1994), Administrador de Empresas (desde 2007), Professor de Ensino Superior (2007 a 2015), Mestre em Administração pela FURB - Universidade Regional de Blumenau (2012), Ex-Secretário de Estado da Fazenda de Roraima (2015/2016) e Ex-secretário adjunto de Estado da Casa Civil (2017) e da Educação de Roraima (2018).